Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I love my family. I am so blessed to have such a large and wonderful bunch of people in my life. I love each and every one of them in different and special ways. I do feel that no matter what, family always comes first, and no matter what anyone in my family does, I will always respect them and try to see their perspective and try to understand why they do what they do. Everyone does what they do for a reason they feel is valid at the time. Not always is it right. We are all human and imperfect. Sometimes we do things we regret or are not proud of. When we do we must answer to these things in our own way. I feel that life is one big lesson of pain and suffering and learning and forgiving and therefore growing. In my opinion nobody gets out of it, it is why we are here. I recognize every day of my life, I must make sacrifices and love every member of my family with everything that I have, because someday I will not have the ones I love any more. I dont want to have any remorse or regrets. Lee tells me all the time, how much he misses his Mom and how he wishes he could have spent more time with her. He tells me all the time, spend time with the ones you love, because someday you wont have them to hold, and you will have many regrets. I write this as I have tears streaming down my face. I want everyone to love each other unconditionally. We all need each other more than we know. I will do what ever it takes to love each and every one in my family unconditionally, and to the core of my being. I feel in my heart this is what I am supposed to do. God is telling me so.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My heart is sad

I haven't written anything in a while. Sometimes I think what I have to say is just too boring. Today I feel compelled to write.
I feel very sad today. Someone who we all love very much, Uncle Mike, is in desperate need of our prayers and healing words. I will pray and pray and pray for him. I will also pray for Kay and the kids. I know this is such a difficult time for them, as well as for us all. I believe in the healing power of prayers. I feel the more people that pray, the more powerful the results. It only takes a moment and the results can be monumental. Let us all pray for Mike.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Were back....

Well we made it back from Idaho all in one piece. The transmission didn't really give us any grief, which was good. So I guess I too am glad we took it.
I think I drank more Tequilla there than I ever have in my life. 3 days in a row we drank Tequilla. Not at all my style. Oh well it was fun.
The boys got to shoot to their hearts content. The weather there was equally as crappy.
That's all we did was eat for 3 days straight. I went to my diet doctors appointment, I gained 6 lbs since I did my blood work which was about 2 weeks ago. Good thing we didn't stay in Idaho for any longer, I'm sure I would have gained more. The appointment was interesting, the doctor said I need only 1600 calories to maintain my present weight. That really sucks because he had to cut me down really low, to 700 calories a day. We shall see if it works.....

Friday, April 14, 2006

Jake comes in first in his school at the Fallon track meet!

I had to blog about Jake coming in first in the high hurdles at the Fallon track meet. He is so fast, I am glad he is finally realizing it. However he didn't get home until 12:00am this morning from this track meet and had to be to school at 7:00am! How cranky he will be in the car tonight. Lee wants to chance it and take the broken Burb. So I guess here goes. I hope my cell phone works out there on the lonely desert road on the way to Idaho. He said the problem is in the low gears. I am taking my bottle of Cabo Tequilla with me that my boss bought me for Christmas, what an appropriate time to drink. Sha also gave a recipe for some blue drink I think, I will also take that with me:)
I am trying to wash all of our clothes before we go on our trip, Lee informs me the propane tank is down to 5%, so who knows how far I will get. We are switching propane companies because we have had issues with this company this last year, like them saying they couldn't get up our road in the snow to fill our tank. And they dont like my dog either.

See everyone when we get back on Wednesday, time to get ready for the M.S. yard sale. Judy says she has alot of things as well to donate. So that will be good.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

One Hell of a Week

This really has been a very hard week! We just put a new transfer case in the Suburban. The bill was $1500.00. That was only part of the problem, now the Transmission is going out too:) Thats another $2500.00. I dont even drive the burb anymore, gas cost too much. We are going to Idaho tomorrow and are looking into renting something to drive. We wanted to have a nice relaxing trip, now the kids will be poured into something together. That will be fun! If we dont go now wont be able to.
And how was your week????

Sunday, April 09, 2006


WOW! How exciting is this? I am now in the world of the bloggers. Thank you Deed:) You are such a wonderful niece, what would I do without you:) My very first post...... What to say?????

Well I could talk about anything!

I do want to say I just had a glass of wine, so I am a little foggy.


I'll be back:)
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